Minimise Losses on Your Forecourt

Wetstock Live

The industry's most trusted tool for real time insights into product losses and tank and line leaks.  Fewer losses leads to better profitability. 

Wetstock Live will detect not only the scale of the leak, but determine the source and culprit for rapid remedy of the issues.  Real time monitoring as its best.

Product Loss Investigation (PLIP)

Together with our SIRA and Wetstock Live tools, the PLIP service offered by Petromonitor is Africa's most comprehensive variance eradication system.

The PLIP is a deep dive into a variety of site items which may be causing variances and losses.  Our team will expose and recommend solutions to any of these issues.

Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Analysis

The world's gold standard for conclusive statistical trend analysis for your sites.  Not only identifying losses and ensuring compliance, but guaranteeing a balanced perpetual inventory system for a healthy, and profitable business.

Experience the Petromonitor difference to your business.  Dedicated to delivering value at multiple touch points. 

Objective, accurate 

Customer endorsed

Certified, compliant

Always better

Precision, independent and quantitative from start to finish.  Let Petromonitor test your tank systems to the finest tolerances for the best compliance. 

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